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BMAV Social Event Brings Out 80 Supporters

Published on 11/2/2014

Bethesda neighbors in the BMAV service area enjoyed a wine and cheese social at the Edgemoor Clubhouse on Sunday, November 2, 2014. They also learned about best practices to continue the formation of BMAV from community leaders, other senior village experts, and Montgomery County officials. BMAV leaders chronicled their progress to organize a village in Bethesda while colleagues from nearby villages offered advice and support on helping a village grow and thrive. Presentations and discussion were followed by a robust question-and-answer session shedding more light on the issues around the formation of a successful village.

Pazit Aviv, Montgomery County Village Coordinator, offered her encouragement for our continued success.
Catherine McCallum, Executive Director of ChevyChase@Home, Miriam Kelty, President of Bannockburn Neighbors Assisting Neighbors and David Gries, President of Little Falls Village, shared their experiences with the Bethesda Metro Area Village group on Sunday, November 2, 2014.